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Chiropractic Care

Harvey Young performs chiropractic adjustment procedure on one of his patients

Your Reliable

Holistic Chiropractic care is a method of assessing the skeleton and muscular & nervous control system, and using specific corrective forces to restore the balance in your body.

The nervous system controls the muscles to move and stabilise bones. So, if muscles no longer function correctly, it will cause pressure on the joints, and individual spinal vertebrae become stiffened and often tilted or twisted. This kind of dysfunction causes muscles to become tight - although they can be temporarily relieved by things such as movement, massage or stretching. However, if issues in the nervous control system and functional misalignment aren’t addressed, your body will automatically re-tighten the muscles to slow down the damage that occurs.

Our Chiropractic care addresses all these issues by accurately locating and correcting imbalances in your body. So session by session, your joints, muscles and nervous system will naturally re-adapt the normal function.

At Harvey Young Advanced Holistic Therapy, we also address muscle and other tissues shortened and weakened using our Full-body Physical Therapy. This is important because when your muscles aren’t balanced, they can’t properly support the joints to move in various positions. This issue requires exercise-based therapy to restore.


Decades of Holistic Expertise

Our unique combination of specialised force wave chiropractic instruments and research-based functional Leg Length Analysis that we call Activator Methods® sets us apart. The combination allows us to apply the correction that requires much less force than many traditional manual techniques without a loss in effectiveness - resulting in attentive and precise chiropractic care.

Harvey Young D.C. has the highest qualification in this procedure and has been a featured practitioner in Activator Methods International.

Read some of the research that has been published about the Activator Methods. You can also read what Andrew Weil M.D. has to say about the benefits of Activator Methods.


Image of Andrew Weil M.D.
Harvey Young DC examinates his patient in a healthcare clinic
Harvey applying chiropratic adjustment on his cilent
A patient recieves Activator Methods Chiropractic care

Healing is a journey,
not a destination

When you have a symptom somewhere, it is often a problem elsewhere. We can assess, diagnose and treat most conditions and help you to better manage the problem more effectively.

Here are some of the various issues for people seek our help:

- Aches and pains
- Mechanical neck pain
- Back pain
- Shoulder pain
- Hip pain
- Joint pain
- Herniated Disc
- Sciatica
- Nerve-related pain
- Posture issues

- Muscle imbalance
- Muscle spasm
- Sports injuries
- Return to sports rehabilitation
- Headaches
- Migraine prevention
- Inability to relax
- Functional instability
- Paediatric issues

- Pregnancy & after birth-related strains & tension

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